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What I Offer

Animal Kingdom
Image by Hello I'm Nik

Complimentary therapy


Complimentary therapy is a alternative way to help treat ailments, injuries and behavioural issues amongst other health issues.   It should always be used in conjunction with veterinary advice and treatment and vet permission should always be sought before booking an appointment, if consent is not sought a disclaimer must be signed.

All prices below are within a 20 minute drive of Coalville.  Further distances can be covered with extra for travel.

Therapies offered


Distance Reiki: £25

In person visit: £30

Animal Communication

Distance Communication: £25  (to include communication, written report and follow up phone call)

In person visit: £30 (to include written report

Crystal Healing

Distance: £25

In person visit £30

Equine Trigger point therapy

1 full treatment session slit into 2 separate visits for maximum benefit to your horse.  This will include an initial static and dynamic assessment as well as a behavioural and illness history report.


1hr follow up appointment: £30

Wild Horses in Black & White
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