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Animal Communication

"When I look into the eyes of an animal I don't see the animal, I see the soul. I see a teacher and a healer and a spirit of unconditional love."


Animal communication happens everyday between an animal and its human carer.  Different barks, whinny's, meows: tail wagging or swishing, getting an empty food bowl when they are hungry, these are all signs that our animals display on a daily basis in an attempt to communicate with their human carer.

Animal communication from an animal communicator is different, a connection is made with the animals soul, their energy.  This is done on 3 levels: Physical, emotional and spiritual.  Each level brings different needs for the animal essential for their well being and survival.

Connecting to an animal this way is different for every animal communicator, I myself use colours from the animals aura on all 3 levels, I also hear, see, feel and sense emotions, thoughts and feelings from the animal.  When communicating with an animal that is still present on this earth or has past over I am just a "spokesperson" for that animal,  to do the animal and communication justice the message will always be told as it is meant, it is important to remember that the animal may communicate issues/needs that may be unexpected to their human carer, our needs and animals needs are different in terms of importance, animals come from a place of unconditional love and have no expectation.  They may also communicate personal issues/ private matters that do not need discussing just to be told and understood.

When we communicate with our animals they may also want you to know things from their past, but, not all animals do, some find it better left in the past, as with past lives ( animals unlike humans have the ability to remember past lives).  When having an animal communicator communicate with one of your animals it is best to have an open mind and no expectation. The best experiences are had with the animal when the human carer expects nothing and just enjoys being with the animal.  

Animal communication can be done in person or can be done long distance with the use of a photograph, it can also be done for animals that have crossed over.

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